Saturday, June 25, 2005

Twisted Sister Sucks but I don't give a fuck

Yeah that's right bitches fuck this hiphop blog bullshit it's all about Twisted motherfucking Sister. I have been fascinated by this band ever since I saw Flight Of The Navigator. At the time I had no idea who the fuck they were because I was 7 years old but I knew they had to rule because I wanted to ride in a robotic cart with Sarah Jessica Parker. Twisted Sister isn't really all that brilliant rock shit but fuck this shit rules because half the time it's goddamn ridiculous. Growing up on rap music made these motherfuckers seem tame as fuck which is part of the reason I think they are great. I think one of the greatest things about Twisted Sister is their creativity. I'm sure most folks have heard their big hit "We're Not Gonna Take It" but did you hear the even awesomer song "We're Gonna Make It?" Other than a handful of lyrics this shit is the exact same fucking song, well except for being a little more mom friendly because it now offers words of encouragement so that you too can be a successful stockbroker just like daddy. Unfortunately for TS this song didn't blow up like it should have but that's ok. I still got hard as fuck songs like Burn In Hell where Dee Snider tells you how he lives his life by the edge of a knife because he's so fucking gangsta with it. Or Street Justic where Dee Snider fights for the child that screams late at night, he's a goddamn superhero. Just the concept that these cockrock motherfuckers were suppose to be scary is fucking awesome to me.

The Price

It's a life you got to choose if you want to play in the game that is rock and roll. You have no idea what sacrifices Dee Snider had to make to join up with TS in 1976. Sometimes he actually wonders if it's worth it to carry on with this shit, don't you fucking understand the immense pressure he has to put on blush and rock the fuck out? Show some fucking respect for Twisted Sister's pain your shitbags.

Burn In Hell

Dark menacing beat because you're all going to burn in hell. Fucking crap this shit is so fucking fierce. Just listen to those guitars. My fucking god aren't you pissing your pants? The slow sinister build up to a firestorm of hell infused rock and fucking roll, fuck this rules. Make your choice now because tomorrow maybe to late.


You're a sick motherfucker, you're nothing like the rest failing all the tests, so hungry and so lean, you're a metal machine. Yeah we're fucking hardcore metal motherfuckers but we're too shy to actually say motherfucker on a record.

Like A Knife In the Back

because Dee Snider will fucking kill you for not rocking hard enough.

yeah it's about five o'clock on a saturday, I'm kind of drunk,and I've got some Twisted Sister blasting out of my computer right now pissing my neighbors off so that's why you got this post. If you don't like that well then you have no idea how it is to be as awesome as me, drunk and rocking the fuck out by yourself to some horrible ass music. Oh but it's also here because they rule and I just think it's funny to post some Twisted Sister on this blog. I'd post more stuff but I can't find my cd's in this mess.


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